Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

june 7th - Glad you came, sticks. Glad you came.

I can now suppress the urge to check twitter/facebook during mealtimes, and driving(this is about 80% of the time). I hate it at the meal-tables, actually. It is really rude. Driving is bad too, not to mention dangerous! I mean, remember what happened to Quinn?
But I couldn't seem to stop doing it BEFORE prayers. This is the worse. Procrastinating with truly dunia stuff. Must/WILL try harder.

Gmail was almost hacked(?) so I needed to change my password. I realised I REALLY have not been reading much - I don't have any new foreign words to use. My reading habits have truly gone down the drain :(. But I can't seem to find new good books to read, lately. And have not been to any cheap bookstores. Books are so expensive. I would only buy if they are worth my money. But, I don't know what to read. Nothing feels right. The buzz right now is on 50 Shades of Gray. I saw the sequels in K-Mart - but none of SoG. I found out it was actually written by someone who actually wrote it as a Twilight fan-fic - lagikla aku tanak sentuh.

It just hit me "Glad You Came" was wonderful in the way that the last word becomes the first word in the next line:

Turn the lights out now,
Now I'll take you by the hand,
Hand you another drink, drink it if you can,
Can you spend a little time,
Time is slipping away,
Away from us so stay,
Stay with me I can make, make you glad you came

Love that. That bit was quite genius.

In TV news, Teen Wolf 2 is back! YAY! I CAN HAS EYE CANDIES without actually knowing what the whole story is all about. Heeee. Come to mama, Sticks!