Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

24th august - BUT YOU'RE OLDDDDDDDDDDDDD she said

been having interesting dreams, but right now i want to write about it? yeah not so much memory.

BUT! dreamed i had a crush on an actor. real life, i don't think i WOULD. but in this dream it happened. weird. but nothing came out of it, PER USUAL. sheesh.

also, i dreamed i learned a new word, the dream-me had no idea what it meant but the model(?!) i interacted with told me the meaning. i cannot recall for the life of me now, though. but seriously, WOW BRAIN I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD DO THAT.

spent time with kak lin's brood and received the third degree from kakyong on why i'm not married yet when i am already 30 years old. ha. i lied about my age. and she was SO INCREDULOUS that i'm not near to having my own wedding. it's funny, but also, sad. (for me)

kids, don't be like me.