Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

sept 7 - aaron menang

i have been bitten by the aaron aziz bug.

this show adam dan hawa he plays am, a playboy kind of guy but not really the bad-boy type? oh mamma. i HAVE said he appeared to be a little too old to play a youngish, still single guy but... BUT.

in ADH he is a pilot and when he is in his pilot uniform... omagaaaaa.

as Am he is exactly the dude you want to like you a lot. except the gatal part-lah but at least it's not too much. he is just SO CUTE flirting with ain. but is it because ain is playing a little hard to get/hard to be broken down?

whatever. all i know is if there is a guy like this with me i am long gone. (which probably causes the guy to leave asap)

ok aaron aziz. i admit defeat. you ARE a hotttie(as Am).

the end.