Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

jan 17th - the bride's farewell

i've finished the bride's farewell.

i have issues with sad books. it's not that i don't want to read them, i will, but after the first read it is doubtful that i would return to them again. this explains why whenever i feel like reading something i will take a long time because i would avoid sad books. which is why the only books i read over and over again are the sweet valleys. haha.

forced myself to return to the bride's farewell because when i stopped it was really at the saddest part. pell was left alone with only dicken for company. bean was thrown into the worst situation ever for a tiny kid, with what seemed no hope for escape. but like pell i persevered until they found their own places in the end, a place to belong. it wasn't a fairytale conclusion, but it's enough.

i can't say i really like it. i liked the beginning up until the middle when i stopped when everything was at it's bleakest. the flow was too swift towards the end. i'm not sure what to make of pell's relationship with the dogman. i like that she found a home, but felt it was unclear how that happened. generally though i was really, really glad everyone was at least alive. that bean will be fine, and dicken is still around(I CANNOT TAKE IT IF ANIMAL DIES). Maybe pell will find happiness. she deserves it.

meg rosoff is however, magical. again, they are normal words but when she puts them together... wow.