Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

feb 22 - i hurt when my cats hurt

mak sentap la jugak orang komen pasal "kenapa bising marah-marah pasal fire-crackers time hokkien new year? gila takde toleransi. biarlah diorang nak celebrate. time hari raya diorang tak bising pun."

ha. when it comes to me, i don't care shit what other people do to celebrate their festivities or what nots(i love christmas carols. LOVE CHRISTMAS), but that night was the straw that broke the firecracker playing camel's back because it has been going on for a lot of nights previously, and around my area there were many, many, many, many oh so damn loud firecrackers. fancy firecrackers. firecrackers that costs a lot of moooooney. and it drove my cats crazy. they weren't happy.
it was just... you know in china they stopped playing firecrackers with regards to nature and saving their hard-earned money.
yes i have the internet on my phone but didn't think to google "kenapa orang main firecrackers mlm ni u olssss"
i am better off googling when henry cavill will be proposing to me.

sentap wei sentap. but i am an iceberg, what people know of me on the surface is only 5%.