Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

march 25 - if i could make this eleanor get eaten by a giant octopi, i WOULD

finally finished reading sense and sensibility and sea monsters. at first it was amusing and annoying, after a while it kind of stopped being the bastardization of jane austen's work for me. the half-end though, it stopped being amusing and started becoming really stupid and making me angry. seriously! a school of fishes tapping away day after day and night after night, and eleanor realising it, and even saw the hairline cracks in the dome? and she does nothing? NOTHING? and servants are being killed right before their eyes and they did NOTHING??? the logic that servants should be ignored? GOURD. DASHWOODS. you were not born filthy rich. you might have missed a tiny fracture in life's luck and you could have ended being SUCH SERVANTS. that makes me angry. because instead of being smart or strong or composed, this bunch of people in this story are dumb as hell. even the sea monsters were way smarter and i kind of wished EVERYONE got killed by those very creatures that they despise and avoid. and mr palmer?! YOU KINDA KNEW what was going on/going to happen and you did nothing?! margaret could run around talking gibberish and wanting you guys to SEE what she saw and you did nothing?? god. i think maybe i would throw this book into the sea and have a shark eat it. i don't want to give sharks indigestion, though. maybe there exist a sea monster out there that is waiting the exact moment for someone to throw some crappy fiction for them to consume. their bellies are ready for it.

i received a new book by the same author, android anna karenina. i haven't actually read tolstoy's real words on this, so it might be... okay? i mean, i already hate the real anna karenina so putting some other elements in it might not be so bad.