Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

friday may 31st - sam worth-it-tonnes

i saw man on the ledge the other day. sam worthington was at first unrecognisable, but then i realised why i liked his face. elizabeth banks was quite unconvincing as a cop, actually. the movie was not bad, but not extremely good either. i wikipedia-ed it before he even got off the ledge, heehee.

i want someone to make a compilation of all the movie scenes sam worthington was in and make a movie out of that. i would see it and download it and play it all the time. all the damn time. he is just SO fine.

i have a new brother in law. just to keep my future self updated of what is happening in the current self's life.

i feel like being "connected" all the time has made me a very impatient person. i am on blogs, twitter, instagram - i think all of these contributed to my current needs and wants - i want everything to be perfect, why is A not like Z in the blogs/other people's lives, why don't i have that, why can't i get that, ooooh C says this is in/fashionable/cute/validating it so it must be cool/must have/perfect. don't think this is good for my emotional health. the mass of information available online is literally overwhelming my senses. i must cut back.

i have tonnes of love for emily and nolan and jack but revenge 2 is not so hot for me. can't exactly pinpoint why but shine is fading. i love nolan found love with lady and not a man, he'd still be my beard in a heartbeat and so sorry she turned up dead but-. i don't care for it as much as i did. and oh also, fauxmanda died.

i don't have any interest at all with game of thrones, but one time in the newspaper it ran articles about the characters and one of them is a dragon lady. a lady who is plotting for the thrones and she has dragons under her rules. DRAGONS. she loves dragons, she breeds dragons, dragons are her babies. she is slim with white hair. i saw on tv she wore a lariat of dragon claws/teefs? around her neck. i am totes in love with her. i have no idea what her name is.