Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

june 19 - i found in lenin and kitty my anna and frederick

yesterday i was more than halfway through android karenina- i was so pleased. i'm always surprised that i enjoy this book so much. and i found in lenin and kitty my anna and frederick - it gave me such thrill. however the book is slowly progressing towards what i suspect a topic i would not enjoy - there will be some sort of an alien invasion. lenin's brother have already transformed into an abominable creature with a beak- ! yikes. i hate stories that have such promise only to include aliens in the end to explain all the weirdness. ah well. i'd take aliens over zombies anyway.
speaking of zombies, i was quite disappointed to learn that brad pitt's latest movie - world war Z - is another ANOTHER movie about fighting zombies :(. can there never be any respite? ENOUGH WITH ZOMBIES ALREADY, GOURD