Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

sept 14th - a beautiful mess

sometime ago i spent a lot of time reading getoffmyinternets. i have to admit, i liked the gossip and the mean things people were dishing out. but after a while, it got tiresome and unreal. and i realise that the people they are bitching about? they are the successful ones. like the abeautifulmess girls. so much vitriol towards them but who are the ones having clothing lines, books, and even a very popular photo app out right now? mean elsie and no good for nothing emma. definitely not the kind of people sitting around typing mean things daily on getoffmyinternets.
glad i stopped reading. abeautifulmess is one my favorite blogs ever, i really don't see why some people can hate it so much.

i'm pleased to report i am on track for the 2 books a month project!

here is a thought that i have:
trying to quit twitter and instagram is a lot harder than quitting lainey gossips. so hard.