Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

september 23 - i hope it will be PERF

just ordered from asos a black sequin jacket/blazer. i'm not sure exactly why i MUST have a sequin blazer, but i have been looking at them for... more than 6 months, i think. number of times looking up asos and being disappointed they don't come my size or are affordable. black is perf (TEENAGERS' 1DIRECTION FANS FAV WORD) and more easier to wear than silver or red, which i have had my eyes on and bummed out about. big bonus points. had it in my bag for two days and when i finally decide MUST HAVE IT it was marked down further. oh, the unicorn sequin blazer of density. we are meant to be.

i will wear it for every fancy times. have already decided that should gala night come by 3 years in a row, imma wear it 3 years in a row. birthday dinner? asked out on a date? on a holiday where fancy dinner is on the cards? (i have never ever been on a fancy dinner while on holiday. will never happen most probably) audition AF?

piece of cake. i will have a sequin blazer suited for the occasion.