Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

oct 04- a secret

maybe the secret to being happy at work is to wear something that is a secret that only you know. for instance, today i'm wearing that uniqlo lounge pants under my dress. it feels... awesome.


the other day i had a dream which consists of superman and me doing...something. can't remember what, only remember "i need to write this down" then i didn't. too bad.
i mean, SUPERMAN?!


trying on pants update:
those hnm trousers that i love so much that i already have in black and blue and was obsessed over the printed in plaid ones too, i can fit in size 40. it's like leggings, but my legs. can go in them. that's... totally unexpected and totes amazing. they didn't have my size so i clutched that one like a prized possession all the way to the fitting room. didn't buylah, of course, i won't ever dare wear tight pants in public.