Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Dec 11 - Rambs

i'm following a bunny account on instagram, bunnymama. currently one of the bunnies, rambo, can't stand up on his own because he has severe head tilt issues, so he is always on his side, his neck supported by socks, and his surroundings soft and cosy made comfortable by his mama. his mom and dad are good parents. they are doing everything they can to make him better and comfortable. he has a bunny brother, Eddy, who has health issues of his own but currently as healthy as he can be and so cute like a ... bunny.
bunnymama was saying some people are telling her to not put pics of Rambo "sleeping", she should be putting Rambo to sleep, keeping him is torturing him etc. etc. etc. i don't understand this. what business do they have telling his owner what to do? how can one be so mean? how CAN one be so mean? i have seen some people having opinions about other people's sick kids too. i don't understand all these judgement that came only from surface-knowing ONLY what the information owner share. they don't share everything. they can even share nothing. how can you have bad judging opinions on basically... nothing? nothing that you even know?
i don't understand how people can be mean to animals. one time overseas there was a car next to us and it has dogs in it. dogs that were just hanging out, waiting for their owners. person next to me said "sampah masyarakat". i was like, wow. those animals are not even doing anything to you. that is just... not right.
kisses and hopes for Rambo to get better. He is such a cute bun.

Rambo passed away on 14th December. He will be greatly missed by a lot of people.