Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

1st april - gst day

the love stories hot summer nights book that i search obsessively for finally arrived. i also bought 2 more others. they're ok. hot summer nights is just as i remembered, really sweet and not coyingly so, but some girls do is still number one for me. the other 2 - the heroine reads romance in secret - that is just like me. HA.

yesterday i bought fat girl jeans. because the jeans that i have i have to say it: it's a struggle to put on. i finally embraced it. the fat girl jeans from HnM is exactly like the unicorn pants of density that i had from dorothy perkins, the one that i had to give up.
i had to unbutton the toppest button to be comfortable. FAT GIRL JEANS IS ME NOW.

yesteday after seeing emma flirting with past captain hook for the nth time, i realised he said "the rolly jojer" when they came to the ship. LOL. he has the best lines.
also? rolly jojer (rolly joger) is describing me trying to jog. or do anything. oh what a sad realisation after the funny.

"the zombie apocalypse" plan is still in my head, not being out. yeah.