Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

13th Sept - How i could have made Letter not sent better

i love hallmark-diva movies. i love that it's cheesy and both romantic and comedius (? did i just made up a new word?) at the same time.

i saw a new one, letter not sent the other day. it's the same kind of nice you'd expect from a hallmark-diva movie. this guy wrote a letter to his best friend professsing his love and intended to give it to her on the last day of high school but never did. guess they lost touch after that because 10 years later they meet again when his mom invited her and her best friend over for dinner. he was there with his best friend and turns out his bf have always liked her bf. also she's a next door neighbour (aren't these kind of premises the best?! i love intertown romance revisited)

anyway the story was predictable BUT i really would have told it in a different way. lily the bf, owns a flower store and apparently, she is good at writing love notes to go along with the flowers. and, her store was called "secret admirer". tom, the bf, found the love letter.

what the story could have done was: tom enlisting lily's help to send flowers to claire from a secret admirer and the SA being henry. you know, help things along and make them pretty soon discover that they are right for each other. in the process, tom and lily get together. not to mention actually using how meaningful the shop's name could be. that would have been more amazing. what a missed opportunity!