Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

13th september - bereft

the feeling that i have been feeling is bereft. i dont know why. mental issues?


i have finally seen avengers the infinity war. people told me some people will die, like, tchalla, starlord etc but i though they will die in battle. i never thought they thought they won the battle but at a snap of the fingers, they turned into ash and faded away. what the? aww man.
i thought the story was told in a rushed way, like throwing all of the characters together and they didn't really have time to really mesh and work with each other. but it serves its purpose. i'm still really bummed about turning into ash thing.
ok and captain america is so damn hot in that new costume i wish there was time for a backstory on how everytime got new costumes. yes, time flew and things happened in between but ?how?


i'm still smitten with to all the boys. it's not just peter. its everything. its weird that that movie? seems to be the most perfect movie. but it kind of is. it doesn't try so hard. there is just something new to love at each viewing.


i'm reading more. just found some books (ebooks) that is hard to put down. its nice.


its hard to pinpoint/no i dont know why i feel bereft. my own doing?