Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

14th jan - PO


This cover features a photograph of “kind cat” Po, an overnight celebrity from his cameo in Kaoru Fukaya’s hit comic, “The Cat that Wanders the Night.”

One day, news cameraman Yasusuke Ota spotted a cat in a nearby park. When he fed the cats there, the one cat waited politely for all other cats to finish eating before approaching the food. The cat was filthy, and teased often. Ota named the cat Po and watched over him. Ota’s growing concern eventually led him to bring Po home. The cats already in the home fought Po at first, but he never fought back. This led the other cats to open their hearts to Po, and they all grew close. Po even cared for other foster cats that joined their home. Of all the cats Ota has met and cared for, Po will always have a special place in his heart.
With this techo cover, you can keep Po by your side and always feel the warmth of this kind cat.

The front cover features a photo of Po with his eyes closed for an expression brimming with the cat’s gentleness. The back of the cover has a photo of Po looking back at the sound of his name being called.

im sorry, what? im ded.