Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

4th march - antelope boleyn

i don't really read thebloggess because very wordy and she doesn't use fullstop or commas. but i do look her up sometimes just to see what she is up too because sometimes the things she says is relevant.

like this post:


"My psychiatrist once told me that some people with depression find that keeping a gratitude journal can be helpful. I guess it makes sense. It helps you really appreciate what you have and when depression starts to lie to you you can go back and look at the pages and see how worthwhile life is. And I think it’s a great idea except that whenever I practice gratitude, instead of feeling grateful I feel guilty….guilty that I sometimes feel miserable (even temporarily) when I am given so much. And then I feel worse for not appreciating everything fully and then I’m convinced that it will all disappear because obviously I don’t deserve good things in my life if those things can’t automatically give me the happiness that I need to throw off the damp, heavy blanket of depression. I know this is all wrong – logically – but reality doesn’t count for much when dealing with the warped perceptions that sometimes settle into my bones.

So a gratitude journal isn’t going to work for me. But a few days ago I was listening to a This American Life podcast about delight and it really stuck with me. I can do delight. Even when I’m low there are still things that give me comfort, and when I’m coming out of the fog more and more pop up."

this strikes me because... same. we know i have troubles with gratitude journalling. so delight tracking... that sounds much doable. thanks thebloggess.

also, this was amaze
