Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

15th july - Grey

i'm worried about grey because

1. she's 13 years old
2. i have not seen her groom herself
3. usually when we pet her she will make noises, she didn't make any noise
4. have i been abandoning her and only realised she might need help? i feel so guilty

5. however on sunday she went out the gate and climbed down to the longkang.
6. on monday early morning she exited the small gate and crossed the street

she has always been huge but suddenly i decided maybe her stomach looks too big? i dont know. then i googled cancer is possible even when cats are not lethargic and have normal appetite.

so now i'm damn scared.

yesterday i spent the whole day wondering if she is going blind.

i feel guilty i never worry about her and mellow. because they're doing ok. my concentration was always on tammy and cingcik.

now she's all i can think about. poor poor thing.