Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

7th october - kick the habit

why do i keep checking instagram
how to stop mindless scrolling


“People tend to function on autopilot until something inside their heads or in the world around them subtly or explicitly suggests it’s time to move on. Reaching the end of a feed is one such cue; removing the end point short-circuits that cue.”

It also doesn’t help that our brains itch for the dopamine spike we get when we open a familiar app, explains psychologist Joshua Ehrlich. “It really is an addiction, and we’re wired for this,” he says. “The same brain pathways get stimulated as they do in a chemical addiction.”

Even as adults, “[w]e also sink hours and hours every day into our screens, so even if they aren’t actively harmful, they’re keeping us away from face-to-face contact, exercise, meaningful work, and other pursuits,” he writes.

Set boundaries

When breaking a bad habit, it’s best to be intentional. Set specific boundaries for phone usage, like when you can first look at it, what time you’re allowed to check what, and how many hours you take between scrolls.

“I don’t check my email until I drop my daughter off at day care. That’s at 9 a.m., and I get up at six,” says Ehrlich. “You want to increase the time between stimulus and response.”

Eventually, you won’t feel the need to use apps and endless scrolling as a crutch. “Once we’ve opened that window between stimulus and response,” says Ehrlich, “we can get a life.”