Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

They all go away

Been trying to change the font size of this thing.But it looked weird when it's big.Oh well.I'm the one reading it anyways.*smirk

The cat called Debok have been missing for a few days now. Everyone has their own opinions about this:

Dad: We need to put up posters;missing cross-eyed cat.

Sister: Ada orang ambik kot..debok tu kan lawa...

Other Sister: Kenapa dia tak balik???

Mom: Babai/Chisai/Oochi/Ngangau(other cats)..mana debok?

Me: Dia sesat tu..nanti dia balik la...

Debok is white,with brown coloring like a siamese cat. He has blue eyes and it's a bit crossed. You'll notice it if he stares at you long enough. He almost always answers you whenever you call his name, but he runs like hell when you try to touch as if he has never seen you before despite the fact that you have been feeding him for the last two years.

It could be normal. The longest track record these cats have of being missing is a week.

I try not to get attached to these cats, but they always(almost) answer back when you ask them something. Because sometimes your heart tends to have a mind of its own.