Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

funny adverts and a loco dog

when maktun,fir and pakcik haris were living in hong kong,they had a tape of funny advertisements shown on tv.there were a lot of funny ones!iklan coke,orang lari into a tembok,brain freeze,baby's bottom...and then there were the two favourites:

chips advert.
two eskimos were sitting together somewhere in the artic or antartica,tak tau la.there were lots of ice and snow and stuffs.then one of them opened a bag of chips and started eating them.the chips look really delicious and the man was enjoying them!his friend watched him and said,"can i have one?" then orang yg tgh makan tu, pondered for a while,then replied, "if i give one to you,i'll have to give one to every else!"
his friend looked around him.there is no one else around except for the two of them.
jahat kan orang tuh?haha...kupik gila!but i forgot the chips were what tajuk.

the television advert.
there were two men,standing back to back.then they started counting and taking a step with each count.each of them were holding up a gun.so nih kira mcm dalam scene cowboy la,yang shoot out tuh.so they counted and stepped away..sampai they both were out of the screen.then there was a bang.but you dont see who gets hit.
then a caption appeared:'Buy a bigger TV'.teheeheeee....

there was this one dog who used to chase my car when i get back from work.he would wait at the side of the road,then get ready to really run fast towards cars that are headed for him.the best part is,he aimed straight at the front tires!then he goes to the side and continue to run after the car,and then stops when the car gets far enough.lawak gila anjing tuh.he's like,really seronok running straight into a car!at first panic jugak because the dog nih mcm on a suicide mission hehe.and then one day i made and experiment.while approaching him i slowed down my car and went really slow past him.he just sat there,looking,maybe thinking-hish,this car is no good to chase. seriously,that dog made my day(s).
now dunno where he went.i kinda miss him.
do jahat gila.hahahhahahahhahahahhahahaaaaaa