Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Paging camp wilderness

I got the OBS letter today. I have been waiting for a long time.

It's hard to imagine living in harsh conditions. Being sprayed with sea water for three days in a row while you work your arms off to get to a destination. Walking for 6-7 hours carrying army-issued shoulder-hurting bags to get to the other side of the jungle. Climbing 167 steps every single day so you could sleep on a bed. Forcing yourself to execute challenges that involves heights and skills and determination worth hundreds of Fear Factor shows. Being with people who you have never even spend 5 minutes with. Perfect strangers. Going without a bath for more than three whole days. Wearing the same clothes off your back for sleeping and trekking two days in a row. Eating mushroom-shaped breads (result of being cooped inside a bag for more than 5 hours with canned foods over it) with baked beans and it has never tasted so damn good.

Learning things about yourself that you were never aware of.

Those times were hard.

Happiest time of my life, really.