Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

All depends on how the roti canai flips.

I miss the Korbus.

Once when we were eating our breakfast the roti canai man went past our table, carrying a plate of, what else, roti canai (oti hanai to Irfan, the nephew) muttering, "Mana budak yang order roti ni tadi..(Where is that kid who ordered this..)" Our breakfast place is like a long walk of gerais where you can seat anywhere and order from any gerais you like. The roti canai man's roti canai's gerai is like, at the end of the long walk from where we were sitting.

A moment later he walked by us, again, muttering "Lantaklah budak ni..tak jumpa pun.. (whateverlah this kid, couldnt find him..)"

Damn Funny.

Never cross the roti canai man, ok.

He's kinda kerek. Another friend wanted to order from him:

Her : Nak order bang.. (karang tak panggil abang bengang plak kan)
Him : Boleh,boleh nak order apa?
Her : (absent-mindedly)Tak tau..
Him : Roti tak tau ada, roti bawang ada, roti planta ada..
Her : Roti bawang buleh?
Him : Boleh, bawang boleh, Malaysia boleh..

Ha ha!